This site is designed to help you find like-minded people to share the outdoors with. Our time in the outdoors is limited…and valuable.  Many of us find that it is getting harder and harder to find the time to get outdoors. That makes the time we do have even more valuable.  The wrong person can ruin a day or a whole trip, while the right person can make the day, the trip, the hunt so much more enjoyable.

We all have different approaches, expectations and goals when it come to our time outdoors. There are lot of styles, methods, and approaches to hunting.  All of them work and all of them are great, but you want to find someone whose method, style and approach works with yours which is why we developed the Hunter Profiles.  Each member’s Hunter Profile gives you an idea of who they are, how they hunt, and whether or not they’d be a good fit for you or your group.  The Hunter Profile provides information about the person generally, as well as specific information for the various species they hunt.  For example, if they’re a goose hunter – Do they hunt from a pit or layout blinds? Do they have a dog? If they’re an elk hunter – Do they backpack into the backcountry or do they prefer to stay in hotel?  What would they do if they tagged out before you?  The answers to questions like these will help you find someone that you enjoy hunting with.